What is it?

The Strategy Wall is a unique methodology for creating your strategic plan. It will focus your group on the right questions and walk you through the planning process quickly and efficiently. Based on sound academic research and the most widely accepted strategic frameworks, it has proven effective in both public and private sectors.

How do you use the Strategy Wall?

Your group will use the Strategy Wall Manual (which explains each step in the process) and the Strategy Wall Posters that focus your group’s attention on each of the key decisions that must be made to ensure the completeness of your strategic plan. In addition, using the Strategy Wall Documenter provided with the program, you will document all of your decisions on the spot and then all your group will have to do from then on is implement the plan and follow up afterwards.

When you use it for the first time, a facilitator will walk your group through all of the decisions and will offer suggestions to improve your change plan afterwards. However, when you purchase the Strategy Wall posters and Manual, you will be able to use them internally to plan subsequent strategic plans independently. The posters and manual can be used repeatedly in your organization, thereby decreasing your costs and increasing your success rate.

What will it do for you?

In a very short session, usually two days (providing important data have been collected in advance), your group will be able to make all the necessary strategic decisions, document them and distribute them to members for review. You will have a complete and instant record for future reference, touching on all the right bases and incorporating the very best practices in strategic planning.

If your group or organization would like to know more about the Strategy Wall, please contact:

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